Author Chat with the Blerd Book Club


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I’ve been invited to talk with the Blerd Book Club again, this time in a group format. I’ll be joined by three other authors (who are, strangely enough, four other people). We’re going to talk about our individual work and upcoming releases for a bit, and then have a general discussion on the topic of exactly how to market self-published works, with an emphasis on how to target the “diverse” market.

If it hasn’t happened yet, go to (or just click on the big picture above) to watch and use #blerdbookclub to ask us questions.

In no particular order, the guests will be

Anthony Otera, who blogs as Latinegro. Undoubtedly, he’s going to have something to say about The Book of Isabel, his newly released autobiographical novel exploring his relationship with, of course, the titular Isabel. This is a sequel to his first work, Hanging Upside Down.

Next is Madhuri Pavamani (previously writing as “Madhuri Blaylock”), who will talk about her upcoming work, Dutch. You can find lots of Madhuri’s other works at her Amazon page.

Next is me, Kevin Wayne Williams. I’m going to be talking about upcoming plans to adapt Everything I Know About Zombies, I Learned in Kindergarten into other forms, my progress on Bronx Apocalypse, and, of course, my whole Underdogs of the Apocalypse cycle. You’re on my blog, so you are surrounded by links to my stuff. Click away … I’ll wait.

And finally, the reason why it takes five people to make four authors, G.L. Tomas. Guinivere and Libertad Tomas are twins that write together. They blog at Twinja Book Reviews. They plan on primarily talking about book marketing, but you can see what they’ve written on their Amazon page.


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